Spring River Flowers Moon Night
The river is smooth and calm this evening,
The peony flowers bloom.
The moon floats on the current.
The tide carries the stars.
— Qian Qi (Tang Dyanasty)
Pink peonies and feminine grace. This perfume
blasts pink all over you in its opening. Pink pepper, pink peonies and juicy
raspberries. I was blown away by the first spray. It is as floral as well as
fruity with a slight hint of sweetness.

The heart of the flower is that of rose, amber
and musk, all of which is perfectly blended and you only get a floating fragrance
of each. One minute I can smell the rose and the next minute it would be a
faint smell of musk. It is sweet and fruity but not over bearing. The perfume
sits close to my skin or so I thought the first time I tried it. But then
people kept asking me what I was wearing. The longevity is good as well
although I do tend to overspray sometimes.
For me this is a day perfume. Something light
enough for work as well as to go out and have tea with your friends. Perhaps a
walk in the garden in spring amidst the peonies would be perfect.